Well that was an adventure. After Jasper's soccer game, we grabbed our bikes and went up to Petit Jean. Parked trailer at visitor center and started riding knowing it was going to rain. We made it to Mather Lodge just before the skies open up. Hungry, we went on in to the ML restaurant for dinner. Nice, relaxing dinner and very yummy and very busy. I checked the souvenir shop for possible rain ponchos to buy. No, but they did give me some trash bags. Rain did not let up and it was getting late. We rode our bikes back to our trailer in the rain, dark and with hills and curves. Amé sang "Jesus Loves Me" because she was scared, and Jace fussed b/c he was cold and wet, even though he was least likely to be either. He was one of the lucky ones who got to have a trash bag to wear. Emma got to have the other. Greg, myself, and Jasper suffered the raindrops and tolerated the soaking wet clothes.
Let us remember this because when some nice guy offered a ride from Mather Lodge to our car, we politely turned him down in favor of just such an adventure.
September 28, 2013
August 15, 2013
On someone you love turning 40
So my best friend is turning 40. What do I say to him? You know, to cheer him up.
40 shouldn't look that bad.
It's like riding a bike, going downhill is more fun anyway.
We have made lots of memories together.
The rocking chairs at the old folks home are starting to look fun.
I'm so glad to be with you.
I'm so glad we didn't wait any longer to get married.
You have always been there for me.
You have been patient, kind, forgiving, and faithful all the years I've known you. At least half my life.
All your struggles affect me too. When you wish it could've been different, I do too. When you need a change, I'm right there with you. When you've wondered where God wants you, I'm praying that for us too. We are in this game of life together. You are not getting older by yourself, my very own dear. Not in the least.
Let's leave it all to follow our dreams. Let's climb mountains (that have cabins at the top). Let's go on long bike rides together. Let's do all the things we've always wanted to. Let's find someone to adopt the children so we can run away together. How's that song go "the children woke and couldn't find them..." Etc? Well, maybe some dreams are irresponsible but I don't think it's too late for some them. Let's not think that way :)
Most of all, I want you to know that above all the people I know, I respect you the most, honor you the most, and love you the most. And you don't make it hard to do.
40 shouldn't look that bad.
It's like riding a bike, going downhill is more fun anyway.
We have made lots of memories together.
The rocking chairs at the old folks home are starting to look fun.
I'm so glad to be with you.
I'm so glad we didn't wait any longer to get married.
You have always been there for me.
You have been patient, kind, forgiving, and faithful all the years I've known you. At least half my life.
All your struggles affect me too. When you wish it could've been different, I do too. When you need a change, I'm right there with you. When you've wondered where God wants you, I'm praying that for us too. We are in this game of life together. You are not getting older by yourself, my very own dear. Not in the least.
Let's leave it all to follow our dreams. Let's climb mountains (that have cabins at the top). Let's go on long bike rides together. Let's do all the things we've always wanted to. Let's find someone to adopt the children so we can run away together. How's that song go "the children woke and couldn't find them..." Etc? Well, maybe some dreams are irresponsible but I don't think it's too late for some them. Let's not think that way :)
Most of all, I want you to know that above all the people I know, I respect you the most, honor you the most, and love you the most. And you don't make it hard to do.
August 13, 2013
What's a blogger to do?
Going back, let's see where did this blog first come from. I remember when I first heard about what a blog was and thinking, "what a great idea--journaling online--FUN." It was in a homeschool magazine probably around 2005. Some homeschoolers had set up a way for us to "make" our own blog. It was called homeschoolblogger and it was free :)
For a while I entered regularly and viewed many other blogs on this site. It seemed safe and comfortable. I liked the feature "random blog" and when I would read someone else's blog, it felt like I was making a new friend. Soon, though, I noticed the number of teens and Tweens utilizing the blogosphere. I'm not sure befriending teens and "peering" into their world was all that much entertaining to me, an old frumpy mother. But mothers felt it to be safe thing for their young to spend time doing.
After a time, I moved my blog to its current address. Life got busy, Facebook erupted, and so I seldom posted. If I remembered to post, it would take so long to format it all and make it how I liked it that I just gave up altogether. I could never read other's blog anyway, so why try. Everyone seemed to be doing the Facebook thing anyway.
Once I read an article about how to make a successful blog. I don't recall all the details of that article, but it did have one point that I was just tonight pondering. The article told its readers that to have a successful blog, you should have a focus-- you know, something you always talk about so readers know what you are about, how you can help them, what encouragement you can be, etc. I realized right then why I'm not a successful blogger--I'm too random. No one wants to read random. Right?
Really I just needed to get off Facebook. Now that all my time is not focused there, maybe I can think of blog posts. That's my biggest hurdle--what do I have to offer anyway? I can visualize blogs like different places to eat. Some people don't like fast food, so why would they stop at a Mcds? Some people don't have the money to eat at MichaelAngelos, so why go in there? Some don't like coffee, so why go into a coffee shop? However, there are times when you visit these restaurants for different reasons even if it's not regularly.
Blogs are similar. There are different reasons for visiting a blog. Some people don't care about cooking, why read cooking type blogs? However, someone might be looking for a specific recipe. Some don't like travel, why might they subscribe to a travel blog? Maybe it is personal like eating at home and you just want to journal your own life journey. That is going to be a blog with lots pictures if your family. Ok. Good. This just doesn't mean that's all you ever do. I see my blog like a small café. So perhaps random is ok. There could be a time place for it. And I should stop trying to be so silly. Ummm, no that won't work either.
Perhaps 2:45am is not the best time of day to make comparisons.
July 25, 2013
Birthday parties
I get overwhelmed so easy, yet I keep putting on birthday parties. What is wrong with me?
So I have 5 children and they usually have a birthday ever year, right? Well this here momma can't take the stress of throwing a party that any times a year, so here's my plan.
Starting when the child turns 2, each child may have a party on an even year of age. This makes it so that my girls, who both have a birthday the week before Christmas and are three years apart from each other, won't have a party on the same year. I still have to "throw" a party every year around Christmas. Fun.
Our process for doing the whole birthday party thing usually follows the same pattern.
First we ask the child turning an even age what sort of theme or toy they like.
Or we browse the various themes at Oriental Trading.
Most parties we have done at the house or at Laurel Park.
We usually invite whole families when the children are small. Most of the families we know are large. I try to make sure we have enough food. We usually have a cake, ice cream and some other things like chips and salsa or veggies and dip.
I have tried to have gift baggies or something for the kids to take home, but I usually forget to give them those things.
I like for the moms to stay, but most like to drop off and have fun without me. But I am ok with that. I just don't think about it too much.
I also think through some sort of a theme-related game to play, but sometimes it is ok if the children just want to play. The children have only gotten violent and turned on each other a few times. No long term damage has been recorded.
There is really no reason to get overwhelmed with putting on a birthday party. Ok, so now what to do for my dear husband's birthday? He'll only be a young 40 this year. An even number, so I ought to do something....
So I have 5 children and they usually have a birthday ever year, right? Well this here momma can't take the stress of throwing a party that any times a year, so here's my plan.
Starting when the child turns 2, each child may have a party on an even year of age. This makes it so that my girls, who both have a birthday the week before Christmas and are three years apart from each other, won't have a party on the same year. I still have to "throw" a party every year around Christmas. Fun.
Our process for doing the whole birthday party thing usually follows the same pattern.
First we ask the child turning an even age what sort of theme or toy they like.
Or we browse the various themes at Oriental Trading.
Most parties we have done at the house or at Laurel Park.
We usually invite whole families when the children are small. Most of the families we know are large. I try to make sure we have enough food. We usually have a cake, ice cream and some other things like chips and salsa or veggies and dip.
I have tried to have gift baggies or something for the kids to take home, but I usually forget to give them those things.
I like for the moms to stay, but most like to drop off and have fun without me. But I am ok with that. I just don't think about it too much.
I also think through some sort of a theme-related game to play, but sometimes it is ok if the children just want to play. The children have only gotten violent and turned on each other a few times. No long term damage has been recorded.
There is really no reason to get overwhelmed with putting on a birthday party. Ok, so now what to do for my dear husband's birthday? He'll only be a young 40 this year. An even number, so I ought to do something....
July 14, 2013
Up and coming freshmen
I've got a freshman in my house, under my roof, and eating my food. I question his time on the computer, his time outside, and his time with friends.
I want him to understand programming and be good with stop motion, but I don't want him to only be about computers, games, and devices.
I want him to be outside and do active things, but we will pay for being on a soccer team and giving up our family camping trips.
I want him to establish friendships that are more natural for him, not who I would pick. He'll have to deal with good people/bad people all his life. I can only minimally encourage who he hangs out with and I can force no friendship. I can't even force my own.
So what will I do? I will pray for him. I will defer some of those hard decisions to Greg. Greg will pray for him. I will talk and Greg will talk to him about wisdom and being careful what we do, say, and see. Hopefully we will be good examples.
I want him to understand programming and be good with stop motion, but I don't want him to only be about computers, games, and devices.
I want him to be outside and do active things, but we will pay for being on a soccer team and giving up our family camping trips.
I want him to establish friendships that are more natural for him, not who I would pick. He'll have to deal with good people/bad people all his life. I can only minimally encourage who he hangs out with and I can force no friendship. I can't even force my own.
So what will I do? I will pray for him. I will defer some of those hard decisions to Greg. Greg will pray for him. I will talk and Greg will talk to him about wisdom and being careful what we do, say, and see. Hopefully we will be good examples.
July 6, 2013
Merrisach Lake camp
First ever camping trip in July. Yes, it was hot. Yes, the bugs were as bad as I figured.
But the a/c in the pop up worked and the bug spray mostly worked. We were next to playground. That made everything so much more bearable. Even little bear could go around the playground with a sibling on baby duty. It turned out, well, nice, considering it was July 4th. Sad, though, we saw nor heard nary a fire pop.

But the a/c in the pop up worked and the bug spray mostly worked. We were next to playground. That made everything so much more bearable. Even little bear could go around the playground with a sibling on baby duty. It turned out, well, nice, considering it was July 4th. Sad, though, we saw nor heard nary a fire pop.
June 26, 2013
Book discussion
Reading Will Medicine Stop The Pain? I'm reading this as a group study, not because I'm particularly dealing with any sort of life-stopping pain. I think the premise of this piece is apropos in today's culture. It seems that the majority of people suffering turn to medicine because it gives a quick answer to dull the emotional pain they feel.
I read a statement that was a great reminder about our future home. The author says, "The transformation will be so great that the trials you're facing right now will seem to you like nothing more than 'one night spent in an inconvenient motel.' " The author got that quote from another book that got that from Mother Teresa. I am appreciating that visual image :)
I read a statement that was a great reminder about our future home. The author says, "The transformation will be so great that the trials you're facing right now will seem to you like nothing more than 'one night spent in an inconvenient motel.' " The author got that quote from another book that got that from Mother Teresa. I am appreciating that visual image :)
June 25, 2013
No longer call me not even maybe
I am having a day in which I shall not be called, "mo-om!" Nope. Not going to listen. I'm off. Turned off. It won't work.
If you have a concern, you may say, "madam president." Otherwise, work out your difficulties amongst yourself. Oh, it's not working, you say. Well, I'm still not going to listen to "mo-om!"
There is really only one child calling me that. It makes me feel better to think I only have to ignore one. Somehow though, I can't ignore it. I try. He has one of those persistent personalities. Sweet, but persistent. Usually he ends up in his room thinking about how now he must play alone. Or rather he's thinking, finally he can play what he wants with no interference. Or he stomps to his room with no indication of any "learning of the lesson" to not fuss.
This child broke the mold, messed up my great parenting skills, takes the most out of me, tries me the hardest, and yet I foresee great things from him. Remember this, Mo-Om, when he grows up. He is a great leader even now. He may not do what I think best, but his life is God's. Like his namesake Paul, he may be trouble at first, but once he sees the light, he'll go where God directs, leading others to follow The Lord of all. I just hope it doesn't take too long, or be too painful. For him.
If you have a concern, you may say, "madam president." Otherwise, work out your difficulties amongst yourself. Oh, it's not working, you say. Well, I'm still not going to listen to "mo-om!"
There is really only one child calling me that. It makes me feel better to think I only have to ignore one. Somehow though, I can't ignore it. I try. He has one of those persistent personalities. Sweet, but persistent. Usually he ends up in his room thinking about how now he must play alone. Or rather he's thinking, finally he can play what he wants with no interference. Or he stomps to his room with no indication of any "learning of the lesson" to not fuss.
This child broke the mold, messed up my great parenting skills, takes the most out of me, tries me the hardest, and yet I foresee great things from him. Remember this, Mo-Om, when he grows up. He is a great leader even now. He may not do what I think best, but his life is God's. Like his namesake Paul, he may be trouble at first, but once he sees the light, he'll go where God directs, leading others to follow The Lord of all. I just hope it doesn't take too long, or be too painful. For him.
June 23, 2013
AnniversarY Update
Trying to visit all 50 states on each anniversary:
'97, Honeymoon--Tennessee
'98, 1st--Arkansas (Eureka Springs)
'99, 2nd--California (Jasper came with us)
'00, 3rd--Arkansas (Siloam Springs) *
'01, 4th--Texas (Jefferson) (Emma came with us)
'02, 5th--Texas (Dallas) *
'03, 6th--Oklahoma
'04, 7th--Illinois (Ame' came with us)
'05, 8th--Louisiana
'06, 9th--Arizona**
'07, 10th--Ohio (pregnant with Jace)
'08, 11th--Kentucky
'09, 12th--Kansas
'10, 13th--New York***
'11, 14th--Indiana (pregnant with Isaiah)
'12, 15th--Mississippi (Isaiah came with us)
'13, 16th--Georgia
'14, 17th--(Mexico) ________________
'15, 18th--Wisconsin (bikes)
'16, 19th--Virginia (with whole family)
* Had not technically decided to visit a different state for the first 5 anniversaries.
** After we liked the idea, some years we could be gone on the exact date (June 14th). Other years we were already on an out-of-state trip during that year and used that state as one for the record, but as for the actual date, we probably went to Jade China and got a movie.
*** a Family trip and had to share with the children, but it was ok and had fun anyway :)
NOW Where to Next Year??
AnniversarY Update
Thinking of Georgia for our 16th. We haven't gone yet.
Trying to visit all 50 states on each anniversary:
'97, Honeymoon--Tennessee
'98, 1st--Arkansas (Eureka Springs)
'99, 2nd--California (Jasper came with us)
'00, 3rd--Arkansas (Siloam Springs) *
'01, 4th--Texas (Jefferson) (Emma came with us)
'02, 5th--Texas (Dallas) *
'03, 6th--Oklahoma
'04, 7th--Illinois (Ame' came with us)
'05, 8th--Louisiana
'06, 9th--Arizona**
'07, 10th--Ohio (pregnant with Jace)
'08, 11th--Kentucky
'09, 12th--Kansas
'10, 13th--New York***
'11, 14th--Indiana (pregnant with Isaiah)
'12, 15th--Mississippi (Isaiah came with us)
'13, 16th--Georgia
'14, 17th--(Mexico) ________________
'15, 18th--Wisconsin (bikes)
'16, 19th--Virginia (with whole family)
* Had not technically decided to visit a different state for the first 5 anniversaries.
** After we liked the idea, some years we could be gone on the exact date (June 14th). Other years we were already on an out-of-state trip during that year and used that state as one for the record, but as for the actual date, we probably went to Jade China and got a movie.
*** a Family trip and had to share with the children, but it was ok and had fun anyway :)
NOW Where to Next Year??
Facebook, blah
I have not seen this blog in I don't know how many months or years. I have been caught up in Facebook world, but now I have taken a break from FB. It takes up, no, sucks up my time and thoughts. I have too many responsibilities and people in this house to keep up with that I don't have a good excuse for keeping up with all my friends, groups, and random suggested ads.
For a while, I never looked at FB. Then I've gotten a message or two that I wanted to look at on FB so I would visit from Safari FB, but taking the app off my phone was the largest part of my success for keeping my eyes and attention off FB. I still sneak back here and there. I try to keep the FB visit to evening for only about an hour, but even in that I still do not always keep those parameters. I'm starting to believe that device-addiction is becoming quite serious.
What would help?
Maybe telling device addicts that if they text and drive, no cell phone will be issued at the pearly gates.
Maybe telling device addicts that if the timer goes off and it is time to get off their device and they don't, then their mother will be given access to their conversations, games, and videos to make responses as she deems interesting.
Maybe telling device addicts that if they don't go cold turkey, then they will only be able to have cold turkey for every meal.
Just some thoughts. Addictions are never fun. Please don't make fun of anyone with device addiction or you will be given a toddler and sharpie. Have a nice day.
For a while, I never looked at FB. Then I've gotten a message or two that I wanted to look at on FB so I would visit from Safari FB, but taking the app off my phone was the largest part of my success for keeping my eyes and attention off FB. I still sneak back here and there. I try to keep the FB visit to evening for only about an hour, but even in that I still do not always keep those parameters. I'm starting to believe that device-addiction is becoming quite serious.
What would help?
Maybe telling device addicts that if they text and drive, no cell phone will be issued at the pearly gates.
Maybe telling device addicts that if the timer goes off and it is time to get off their device and they don't, then their mother will be given access to their conversations, games, and videos to make responses as she deems interesting.
Maybe telling device addicts that if they don't go cold turkey, then they will only be able to have cold turkey for every meal.
Just some thoughts. Addictions are never fun. Please don't make fun of anyone with device addiction or you will be given a toddler and sharpie. Have a nice day.
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