July 25, 2013

Birthday parties

I get overwhelmed so easy, yet I keep putting on birthday parties. What is wrong with me?

So I have 5 children and they usually have a birthday ever year, right?  Well this here momma can't take the stress of throwing a party that any times a year, so here's my plan.

Starting when the child turns 2, each child may have a party on an even year of age.  This makes it so that my girls, who both have a birthday the week before Christmas and are three years apart from each other, won't have a party on the same year. I still have to "throw" a party every year around Christmas.  Fun.

Our process for doing the whole birthday party thing usually follows the same pattern.
First we ask the child turning an even age what sort of theme or toy they like.
Or we browse the various themes at Oriental Trading.
Most parties we have done at the house or at Laurel Park.
We usually invite whole families when the children are small. Most of the families we know are large. I try to make sure we have enough food. We usually have a cake, ice cream and some other things like chips and salsa or veggies and dip.
I have tried to have gift baggies or something for the kids to take home, but I usually forget to give them those things.
I like for the moms to stay, but most like to drop off and have fun without me. But I am ok with that. I just don't think about it too much.
I also think through some sort of a theme-related game to play, but sometimes it is ok if the children just want to play.  The children have only gotten violent and turned on each other a few times. No long term damage has been recorded.

There is really no reason to get overwhelmed with putting on a birthday party. Ok, so now what to do for my dear husband's birthday?  He'll only be a young 40 this year. An even number, so I ought to do something....


  1. Whatever you do, proceed with caution. His friends may turn violent, especially if you forget their goody bag.

    Teresa S.

  2. Hehe, Teresa:). I like your approach, Tanya. I am doing things different with my last one. By the time she gets old enough, she won't realize that her siblings had a birthday party every year until 13. It has worn this momma out!

  3. I love that idea. I don't handle chaos well, so just the thought of planning a birthday party makes me twitch. :) So far, I've only done a friend party once, when my daughter turned 3. I'm going to try to get up the courage to do one this year, but since my first two are 2 years apart and have December & February birthdays, I've decided to do a January celebration for both kids at the same time, when they'll turn 3 & 5. I think from here on out, we'll start doing every other year.


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