June 23, 2013

Facebook, blah

I have not seen this blog in I don't know how many months or years.  I have been caught up in Facebook world, but now I have taken a break from FB.  It takes up, no, sucks up my time and thoughts. I have too many responsibilities and people in this house to keep up with that I don't have a good excuse for keeping up with all my friends, groups, and random suggested ads.

For a while, I never looked at FB. Then I've gotten a message or two that I wanted to look at on FB so I would visit from Safari FB, but taking the app off my phone was the largest part of my success for keeping my eyes and attention off FB.  I still sneak back here and there.  I try to keep the FB visit to evening for only about an hour, but even in that I still do not always keep those parameters.  I'm starting to believe that device-addiction is becoming quite serious.

What would help?
  Maybe telling device addicts that if they text and drive, no cell phone will be issued at the pearly gates.
   Maybe telling device addicts that if the timer goes off and it is time to get off their device and they don't, then their mother will be given access to their conversations, games, and videos to make responses as she deems interesting.
   Maybe telling device addicts that if they don't go cold turkey, then they will only be able to have cold turkey for every meal.

Just some thoughts. Addictions are never fun.  Please don't make fun of anyone with device addiction or you will be given a toddler and sharpie. Have a nice day.

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