October 28, 2008

Tuesday recess

Doing a bunch of school this week. We got behind b/c last week we were camping. When I made my schedule back in July, I hadn't thought that we'd be out for a week.
We must keep up b/c we have some situations where we might get behind this coming spring.
We should be alright. There are a number of subjects in which we can take with us, but there are a few that are so kinesthetic or otherwise uses so much random material we'd have to bring with us that it would not be worth it. Specifically in mind is math. I do plan to bring spelling, reading, grammar, science, and history. These can be done on the road. The handwriting book doesn't have to be accomplished by the end of the school year and it's hard to write neatly in a moving vehicle. Perhaps we'll take a break from our regularly planned reading and work on some classic stories and just have discussion. I got a catalog from Progeny Press--perhaps I'll order one of those study guides and go through a fun book with them. I also have a study guide for Pippi Longstocking. We might also do that.
My daughter is in 2nd and is having a hard time with spelling, so I want to continue doing spelling even on the road. A lot of the grammar assignments are outloud or can be done outloud, so we may do that.
I'm not sure about science b/c of the projects that go along with the reading assignments. We could read the book, but we couldn't take the materials for the activities. Maybe we could do them when we get back or just put a hold on the science subject for now. Currently we're set to finish the book, but it wouldn't be so if we have 2 or 3 weeks we don't do our lessons.
History should be ok. Some of the history activity assignments are a little wack anyway. We'll have to bring the coloring pages and map work, but I might skip the corresponding reading and activities. I'm behind in history about a year and half anyway.

Well, need to get back to school.


  1. Sounds like a big road trip. Where are you going?

  2. My sister is getting married in March. We're driving to California to either be in it or celebrate with her (or both).


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