March 31, 2010

Recess Blog

What a beautiful day for the kids to have a recess.

I'll type a blog while the children have some recess time.

Yesterday, I was listening to this week's chapter in History on the French Revolution.
Here are the things that stood out to me:
1)  the French common people saw how the American government was working so well.
2) the French common people were taxed and the king and nobles were not
3) the French common people were going broke and getting hungrier
4)  the king thought the nobles could now pay taxes, but the nobles said, "I don't think so." The king didn't seem to have any authority anymore.
5) the French wanted change.  The changed that was wanted differed.  Some blamed the king, some blamed the priests, and some blamed the nobles. 
6)  some folks wanted the king to come back and be subject to the law himself but be the French leader.
7) The Revolutionaries didn't know what to do with the king after they "cornered" him in his palace.  Eventually, he was called a traitor.  He was sent to the guillotine.  His wife followed almost a year later b/c she was not sympathetic to the Revolutionaries?? Then the Reign of Terror.  If anyone suspected you of not being sympathetic to the Revolutionaries, you could be sent to the guillotines.  16,000 were killed.  (I'm hoping I'm remembering this correctly)

Here's what I'm thinking about (since history repeats itself and all):
1)  our government doesn't seem so wonderful any more or maybe the ones in leadership aren't doing an honorable job.
2) the Amer. common people are being taxed, and going broke, and we might be going hungry some time in the future, who knows?
3) lots of Americans are wanting change.  Our views of change all look different. 
4) How far away are we from becoming like France in 1800?  Will we rebel against the government calling it a revolution?  Will we kill people on suspicion of disagreement with our viewpoint--whatever side we happen to lean toward?
5) Pray for those in authority; vote when you can.  Be honorable in all things.

Just thinking during recess time.
Shake it; don't break it.

1 comment:

  1. In some ways that sounds eerily similar to our modern-day situation. It's amazing how quick things can devolve into madness.

    ... it took your momma 9 months to make it.


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