February 10, 2010

Recess Blog

  Children are nicely playing outside in the snow.  I've come in to check email which also involves checking facebook which leads to wonder about all kinds of people/friends.  I can hardly ever get around to writing a real blog.  So much technology; so little time.

  Aren't there about 2 area of responsibilities a person needs to get a handle on so be able to say "I've arrived" wherever that may be?  Or would this be two areas that folks have to struggle with in some form or another their whole life?  Once you've got one down, it's time to work on the other, or is it the other way around?

1)  Money management
   Work, give, save, pay bills, play... ok, good.  Got that one down :)

2)  Time management
   Ouch.  This one I'm dealing with NOW.
   Sleep, eat, check email, no pray.  Read the Bible, wash your face, check facebook, no,  put in contacts/put on makeup.  Clean the kitchen, teach a math lesson, check online weather, no, call a friend.  At night, spend time with children, spend time with husband, go to the grocery store, join a Bible Study?   Spend time with a friend or email that friend??  Who has time for all this?

  I can say "no."  I really can.  I have before.  In fact, I've had so much to do in one season, I quit everything.  No guilt.
  I need to get where I can budget time like I budget money.  Except I don't do that by myself.  It took a long time to get where we were doing our money together.  I suppose I can expect it will take a long to get where we can budget our time together.

1 comment:

  1. Budeting time is the hardest thing ever for me! I love having my home organized, but when it somes to how I spend my time...total craziness. I pre-ordered a organizer for school next year, can't wait for it to come in :) I'm trying hard to get to the point of having a fairly balanced schedule.


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