December 18, 2008

December Drama

My friend asked where's a blog update. I said the standard, "I'm so busy." I went on to say what's been going on and realized I haven't been busy; my husband has.

So the last entry was about friends coming over to help with plumbing in our front bathroom, right? Well, Greg has finished the plumbing and put in the new tub. He hung an electrical line so the whirlpool could be plugged in. He put the apron on in front of the tub. It feels like he's about half way through at this point. Then I get back from a trip with my folks.
He starts the backerboard process, measuring and buying, etc. This was last Friday. While he's doing that, the kitchen sink springs a leak and when the water is turned on, the water sprays the space under the kitchen sink. Now, we go to the store on Saturday and try to find the part for that. The guy says, those are covered under warranty and you need to call this number and they'll ship it to you. HA,, We can't wait until Monday and then hope it doesn't take long to mail a part to us. Can you imagine the pile of dirty dishes that would look like?
So we buy a new kitchen faucet. I actually really like it. We didn't know if it would match and it does (beautifully). That was Saturday night that Greg used up to fix that issue. Now he can go back to working on the backerboard/drywall stuff, right? Well, Sunday night begins wash day (which is actually mostly on Monday, but b/c of a family of 6 I need to start Sunday night).
You won't believe this: but then maybe you will. Maybe you've already guessed.
That's right, the washer has its final load. It won't go anymore. Now, you must understand we knew of this washer and its issues. We had it fixed under warranty a few years ago. The last time I had trouble with it, we called the appliance-fixer and he looked at it and said "Keep the service call money and go buy a new one." That was about 3 months ago and I had hoped to keep this washer going for as long as I could. True, I had to babysit it. I had to stand over it and get it going everytime it entered the spin cycle. Well, last Sunday, it would aggitate or spin and water came out all over the laundry room floor.
So in the middle of trying to hang drywall, Greg stops and does the research for the best washer/dryer on consumer reports. We end up getting an LG. I hope that was the best choice. We prayed about it, but we never felt confident that that was what we should get.
UNTIL today. Greg says to me when he gets back from work today, "guess how much my bonus was?" "Exactly the amount we paid for the washer/dryer." "Yep." That's how our conversation went. No kidding. Another odd thing, bonuses were supposed to be lower this year b/c of the economy and all that.
It doesn't always make sense. After reading "The Hiding Place", I'm happy I have a warm coat, food, cough syrup. I don't know why God took care of Corrie Ten Boom in that way and I don't know why He's blessed us now as He has. I'm extremely grateful, but I also want to remember that in times of little He's still taking care of us.

1 comment:

  1. The Hiding Place is one of my favorite books. Thanks for the update:)


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