July 1, 2009


As the celebration of America's Independence draws closer, somehow I am humbled by the freedoms we have and the people who have been used by God to accomplish this.
Maybe it is the reading of American History to the children this summer that has caused me to think about this. Maybe it is the "current economic times" that have turned my thoughts towards my blessings. Perhaps it is getting ready for another year of schooling at home and talking with moms of preschoolers about the wonderful benefits of homeschooling that have so impressed me about our heritage.
I'm very excited about what the '09-'10 year will bring and somewhat apprehensive. There is a mixture of "what if"s that swirl around in my mind. What if we don't have enough to pay the bills? What if they take homeschooling away and force our children to go to school? What if I don't know anyone who will share food with our family if we become needy? What if we are persecuted because we love God even to the point of taking away food or family members? What if this is the last year on the earth as it looks now? What if I get to personally witness the return of our Lord?
Instead of worry, there is prayer. Instead of money, there is family. Instead of fear, there is Refuge.
During the Great Awakening, Edwards spoke of a God that was angry and the people accepted and wept over the grace of God. Out of these people that had a love and fear of God, America was formed. God sets up kings and deposes them. It is all in the Hands of God.